“Agroecology is a coherent concept for designing future farming systems as it is strongly rooted both in science and in practice, and because it shows strong connections with the principles of the right to adequate food.”
Olivier De Schutter
I principi dell’agroecologia
Definire il suo significato e la sua messa in pratica
The Principles of Agroecology
Towards just, resilient and sustainable food systems
Los Principios de la Agroecologia
Hacia sistemas alimentarios justos, resilientes y sostenibles
Die Prinzipien der Agrarökologie
Für gerechte, widerstandsfähige und nachhaltige Ernährungssysteme
De Principes van Agro-ecologie
Naar rechtvaardige, veerkrachtige en duurzame voedselsystemen
Les principes de l’agroécologie
Vers des systèmes alimentaires socialement équitables, résilients et durables
Os Princípios da Agroecologia
Rumo a sistemas alimentares justos, resilientes e sustentáveis
“Rather than defining agroecology as a prescriptive list of practices that may or may not be well suited to any given setting, it is important to describe it as a process and a set of principles to move towards sustainable agriculture.”
Brym & Reeve
This is a project by CIDSE, an international family of Catholic social justice organisations working together with others to promote justice, harness the power of global solidarity and create transformational change to end poverty and inequality.